Saturday, August 14, 2010


if you're like me and don't really have $800+ lying around but would die to have a pair of acne boots, solestruck has officially found the answer for you. those senso boots, on the first picture are pretty dead on and the price tag isn't half as bad.

Monday, August 9, 2010


i've been kinda drooling over simple/plain things lately, you know without all the bling/ruffles/studs etc. while reading one of my fave sites notcouture (which you should go and visit right now, after you read this, of course)i found CLaer, created by the great Claudia Laermann(ex-creative head/designer for j.jil for 18 years!) and i'm in love, i don't own many simple things and knits but i'm def. going to start looking into this wonderfulness more often.